November 9, 2009

Too small to fail!

Via the reformist economics blog The Baseline Scenario comes word of the "Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Exist Act" introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT). "Baseline" blogger James Kwak offers this policy analysis: "The bill says that Treasury can break up [dangerously over-sized financial] institutions any way they want to, so long as the resulting entities do not individually threaten the financial system (and thereby our economic well-being)."

My epistemological analysis: In this historical moment, Congress is trying to scale an 1,100-page health care bill that is giving literal meaning to the phrase "landmark legislation." The brevity of the "Too Big" Act is a signal call for clear thinking that must pierce the political/bureaucratic static. Here's how you can read it in its 250-word entirety and join the petition to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner requesting its immediate enactment.

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